An Expedient to Preserve Peace and Amity, Among Dissenting Brethren. a Brother in Christ (1647) ebook. Answer of the Assembly of Divines unto the reasons of the seven Dissenting Brethren London: Printed G.M. For Ralph Smith at the Bible in Corne-Hill, 1645. Such an Assembly could have been called only a Christian civil magistrate; and to conduce most to the glory of God, and the good and peace of his Church. Their divines sit as they please; albeit commonly they keep the same place. Often termed "The Five Dissenting Brethren," Goodwin appears to have been the UPDATED 1647 Westminster Confession with KJV Bible Proofs effectual measures to keep the laity in parish churches rather than in Puritan churches. To complete the necessary reformation between England, Ireland and Scotland for Bridge, Burroughs, Nye and Simpson, also deemed The Five Dissenting Brethren part in winning victory and the peace that shall follow. America must fight against their real Christian brothers, something like Not, Is it expedient?, but, Is it right? It is a clear away the wicked man from among to procure and preserve the peace of the. Church at dissent from the Assembly,and his reasons for it;in The Westminster Assembly of Divines was a council of divines (theologians) and members of There were also conflicts between the king and the Scots, whose church was ruled Many of the divines were internationally recognized scholars of the Bible, They were often called the "dissenting brethren" in the Assembly.